Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Intelligence with Data Mining Free Essays
Business Intelligence with Data Mining Abstract Banking and fund foundations are becoming quick in this globalization time. Mergers, acquisitions, globalization have made these foundations greater. Most likely, the information additionally develop genuine immense and progressively shifted. We will compose a custom article test on Business Intelligence with Data Mining or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Large information stockpiling, for example, information distribution center and information bazaars are given to give an answer on huge information stockpiling. On different sides, those information are should have been broke down. Business insight at long last comes in as an answer in examining those colossal information. Business knowledge particularly with information mining can make an answer in further dynamic. With different instruments and procedures, information mining has been demonstrated in numerous parts of business. Concealed informations that put away inside either information distribution center or information bazaars can be picked up without any problem. In model, those concealed informations are market and economy trens, contender patterns, serious value, great items and administrations and furthermore can give better client relationship the executives. There is as yet one advantage in business knowledge with information mining that this paper will concentrate on, I. e. hazard the executives and cheats and misfortunes counteraction. One of item from banking and money establishments is credit advances. It is actually a high hazard business, however with business insight with information mining particularly arrangement and bunching methods, it very well may be kept up and actualized securely and obviously with low dangers, limited cheats and misfortunes and expanded benefits and incomes. Catchphrases : Banking and Finance, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Risk Management, Credit Loans Introduction Banking and Finance establishments are developing quickly these days. For one foundation, there are more than one workplaces or branches in a single nation or even in various nation. Globalization, mergers, acquisitions, rivalries, showcase changes are a portion of the explanations for what reason are they developing quick. As those banking and fund organizations develop, so do the information. For this situation, banking and money establishments likely have substantially more information than different organizations. Each and every client or individuals has at least one records in a single organization or more. The test is the means by which to keep up those information effectively, how to settle on great choice among those information, how to make great item for clients and how to hold great clients that can bring considerably more benefits and increment incomes. For those that can not keep up information and settle on a choice for additional development without investigate the information before will think that its difficult to be achievement or even lose in rivalry with other banking and money foundations. Some of key achievement factors in banking and fund establishments, for example, : 1. Consumer loyalty Good client the board and great item are the way to fulfill client. On the off chance that the organization could deal with the client well and offer great item that can create advantage to the two sides then it will ensure client will be fulfilled. 2. Client faithfulness There is no assurance that fulfilled clients will be steadfast. Systems and strategies are expected to hold those clients. 3. Expanded benefit income Similar with business foundations, picking up benefit and increment income are the most significant thing. 4. Insignificant hazard With numerous clients, banking and fund foundations need to break down the dangers that likely could occur. Not all of clients are acceptable client. Extortion or misfortune may occur. 5. Preparation for new markets to build client Markets are evolving quickly. Winning the opposition implies winning the client. Offered items are the key here, for example, higher intrigue, free administrator cost and so on 6. Productivity of tasks Since banking and money foundations have a few branches and numerous clients, the test is to cause tasks in day by day exchanges to get proficient. Issues in Banking and Finance Institutions Similar with different organizations in business, banking and money foundations additionally have some of issues in their business. The following are a portion of those issues : 1. Isolated information occurrence Data are isolated through branches everywhere. The banking and account establishment will think that its difficult to gather and examine the information. This will likewise affect in dynamic since choice ought to be made in the wake of dissecting the entirety of the information. . High hazard Banking and fund organizations have numerous clients and not those clients are acceptable client. Need to see if the client is realible or not. 3. Step by step instructions to identify extortion and forestall misfortune Frauds and misfortunes may occur in banking and account organizations. Extortion in credit advances will make misfortune the establishment. 4. Step by step instructions to make great client relationship To contend in the market and winning client, banking and account establishments need to make great client relationship to fulfill clients and make them steadfast. 5. Instructions to make great item Item is one the angle that clients consider. Make a decent item and can contend with others item will affect in client winning. 6. The most effective method to locate the shrouded data inside those information to facilitate the dynamic Huge information are should have been dissected and there are some concealed informations in those information that could influence the chief in settling on the choice. In the event that the choice made is significant one, it could prompt future achievement. Business Intelligence Business Intelligence can be characterized as a capacity of an undertaking to fathom and use data so as to expand the exhibition. Business insight has a few exercises, methods and applications. A portion of those that generally utilized are : Data Warehousing, Data Marts, OLAP Tools, apparatuses for Extract Transform and Load (ETL), Information Portals, Data Mining, Business Modeling, and so forth (Katarina Curko, 2007). Business Intelligence can likewise characterized as the way toward social affair high-caliber and important data about the topic being explored that will help the individual(s) breaking down the data, reach determinations or make presumptions (Muhammad Nadeem, 2004). In this paper, we will concentrate more in information mining. Information mining works with information stockroom and information shops for information stockpiling and concentrate change and burden (ETL) devices. Some of preferences by utilizing business insight with information mining: 1. Addition benefit and income for big business With business insight, the undertaking can pick up the information get to effectively and incorporated inside information distribution center information bazaars. So the endeavor can support clients better and speedier which will affect in benefit and income increase. 2. Dynamic With information mining in business insight, the undertaking can pick up the concealed informations in those colossal information and can settle on speedy and simple choices. . Extend the market fragment With the simplicity of dynamic, the venture can settle on choice in business sectors, for example, value, rebate, and so on which will affect in winning the market rivalry. Information Mining Data mining alludes to PC supported example reve lation of beforehand obscure interrelationships and repeats across apparently irrelevant credits so as to foresee activities, practices and results. Information mining, truth be told, assists with distinguishing examples and connections in the information (Bhasin, 2006). Some of objective models in utilizing Data mining: 1. Determining market cost With information mining, endeavor can anticipate the market cost and choose the best cost to contend the cost in showcase. 2. Strategically pitching and up-selling investigation Data mining can be utilized to examine showcase dependent on items. It implies venture can make strategically pitching or up-offering to their items to enhance or increment the deals. 3. Profiling clients Data mining can be utilized to portion clients relies upon the class. For instance we arrange clients by their benefit or income. 4. Oversee client maintenance Not just ventures information, information mining can be utilized to oversee client information which will affect in better client relationship the executives. [pic] Figure 1. Review of Business Intelligence with Data Mining Source of information that we will process originate from different sources, for example, client information, showcase information, exchange information, item information, administration information and so on. As referenced over, those gigantic and heterogeneous information will be put away in information distribution center and information stores. Before entering either information distribution center and information shops, those information will be separated, tidied up and now and again changed into various kinds of information. At that point it will stack the outcomes into information distribution center and information bazaars. In this information stockroom and information bazaars, the information will be put away. When the client need to break down the information utilizing information mining, the framework will accumulate the information put away in information distribution center and information stores. With some of cutting and dicing methods, information mining process the necessary information and bringing about big business reports. With these reports, the board of big business at that point chooses what to do straightaway. Information Mining Techniques According to (Larissa T. Greenery, 2003), information mining itself has numerous models and different techniques in dissecting information. When to utilize one of these models or strategies rely upon the prerequisites. The following are a portion of those models or techniques : †¢ Associations Discovery Is utilized to recognize the conduct of explicit occasions or procedures. Affiliations disclosure joins events inside a solitary occasion. Case of utilization in finding when an individual purchases a toothbrush at that point may likewise purchase a toothpaste or an individual purchases a cigarette may likewise purchase the lighter. †¢ Sequential Pattern Discovery Is like affiliations revelation aside from that a consecutive example disclosure joins occasions after some time and decides how things identify with each ther over the long run. Case of utilization in anticipating an individual who purchases several arrangements of PC may likewise purchase a switch or switch inside a quarter of a year. †¢ Classification Is the most widely recognized information mining strategy. Order takes a gander at the conduct and properties of prede
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The New Victoria Theater Essay Example For Students
The New Victoria Theater Essay The play we went to watch was known as The Woman In Black. The writer was by Stephen Mallatratt in The New Victoria Theater and we watched this on the first February 2010 I felt that the play was smart in which they coordinated the entire play. The play essentially is this elderly person called Kipps who needs to recount to individuals his tale about this lady who lost her kid and sister in a pony and trap mishap in the bogs. The on-screen character and Kipps trade jobs, as Kipps portion not see how to make his three-hour story fascinating. She squandered away from the back to front promotion became sallowed and pale confronted. We will compose a custom paper on The New Victoria Theater explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now As they are acting the lady dressed in dark bafflingly turns up during the story however fortuitously at the perfect time. These happenings continue happening. During the end scenes the on-screen character is playing 'Kipps in the wake of everything is sifted through all the deeds of the woman who kicked the bucket he gets hitched and they take a stroll in the recreation center their child shows enthusiasm for the pony and trap that circumvents the recreation center. His better half and child go for a ride until abruptly the on-screen character sees the lady dressed in dark. Before he knows it the pony and trap gets slammed into a tree the youngster immediately bites the dust and the spouse is genuinely harmed and before long passes on from various wounds. What the on-screen character believes this is the shock Kipps has been discussing until Kipps clarifies that his amazement was that he took in his lines. The crowd increased a comprehension of the play with the assistance of reccouring themes, for example, the sound of hooves getting made up for lost time and the sound of the splitting of the wooden wheel breaking and the bloodcurdling shout. The entire of the plays significance overlays out continuously as he discover the papers that clarify how they kicked the bucket and they pack such a great amount in to a minuite when acknowledgment just abruptly hits you. Kipps objective in the play is to clarify his story and check whether every one of these happenings will stop and she will leave everybody in harmony. The on-screen characters aspiration in the play is to make Kipps play out a decent and intriguing play on his story. Kipps inspiration is the diligence and help of the on-screen character whos objective is to enable this elderly person to recount to his story to loved ones. Toward the start of the play Kipps is a muttering elderly person who is in all likelihood anxious and not extremely certain, as he murmurs and automatons about everything about that day. He doesnt truly move around or change his monotone voice and his signals are basic and there arent a lot of them. At the point when the on-screen character attempts and tells him the best way to attempt to eliminate the exhausting parts and promotion tones into his voice. In the end Kipps comprehended and was evaluating heaps of various voices so we could tell that he was an alternate character, as they didnt have numerous props. The two of them appeared to have a great deal of center and didnt alarm in the event that anything turned out badly. The entertainer appeared to be extremely persuading and was truly adept at acting Kipps, and Kipps playing all the additional parts. The presentation was improved by how little the measure of props they needed to work with. The stage was likewise intriguing in the manner that it inclined downwards and the pony and truck blended in with the shout was extremely ground-breaking and truly made a shudder run down your spine. All the hues were very dull and dim which helped add to the feeling of secret and strange notion of the accompanying scenes. I believe that the play was excellent and utilized heaps of show mediums and components to create a decent exhibition regardless of whether they utilized next to no props and didn't have an exceptionally huge stage alongside just three on-screen characters.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Unalienable Rights of Humankind Essay
Unalienable Rights of Humankind Essay What are unalienable rights? How to define unalienable rights? Unalienable rights are those which God gave to man at the Creation, once and for all. By definition, since God granted such rights, governments could not take them away. In the United States of America, this fundamental truth is recognized and enshrined in our nations birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence: [All] men are created equal[and] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Unalienable rights belong to each person by virtue of the fact that man is made in God’s image, and is therefore endowed with certain attributes, powers, freedoms, and legal protections as part of his essence. These rights are thus inseparable from each person individually and from the human race in general. They are a gift from the Creator and it is impossible for government to alter or nullify mankind’s divine inheritance. An exhaustive list of the unalienable rights possessed by man would probably fill several volumes. However, at a minimum they include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In general, the courts have not decided which rights are unalienable and which are not. Legitimate Exceptions of unalienable rights Despite the sacred nature of unalienable rights, there are circumstances when certain unalienable rights (one or more of them) can be legitimately abridged or violated. Under the Constitution of the United States and American legal tradition, there are few situations when the unalienable rights of a person, or the nation at large, may be legitimately infringed or suspended: Due process Certain rights may be temporarily or permanently suspended through a court trial, or due process. If someone has committed a theft, for example, he may be found guilty by a jury of his peers, incarcerated, and thus lose a great deal of his personal freedom for a certain period of time. Injunctions A court may also issue an injunction to temporarily suspend a person’s right to conduct certain activities. However, an injunction seeks only to block activities which may be harmful to others, or which may be found illegal at a subsequent trial. Nature, scope and limits The concept of unalienable rights draws controversy over how they are identified and enforced. While unalienable rights should in theory be protected from the opinions of the majority, as a practical matter, if there is a consensus in society, legislation and litigation will result in the scope and limits of a right being set in a manner that does not reflect the opinions of a minority. Because consensus evolves over time, the latitude that people have to enjoy what they believe are unalienable rights can shift as well. There is a centuries-old debate, still unresolved question: are our rights ‘inalienable’ or ‘unalienable’? Lets define the differences between those two. Unalienable versus Inalienable rights English has changed since the founders of the United States used unalienable in the signed final draft of their 1776 Declaration of Independence (some earlier drafts and later copies have inalienable). It is stated that Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred. (Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523.) You can not surrender, sell or transfer unalienable rights, they are a gift from the creator to the individual and can not under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. All individuals have unalienable rights. It is stated that Inalienable rights are the rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights. (Morrison v. State, Mo. App., 252 S.W.2d 97, 101.) You can surrender, sell or transfer inalienable rights if you consent either actually or constructively. Inalienable rights are not inherent in man and can be alienated by government. Persons have inalienable rights. Most state constitutions recognize only inalienable rights. However the other sources say that the words mean the same thing. Inalienable has gained a stronger foothold in modern times. Inalienable right is now the preferred form. Unalienable mainly appears in quotes of or references to the Declaration. Inalienable prevails everywhere else. Another similarities can be found while considering 2 following terms. Human rights versus Unalienable rights Human rights is often used interchangeably with the term unalienable rights. The difference between these two concepts, however, is that unalienable rights are those authored by God. They are thus both irrevocable and nearly unlimited in scope. Man’s role is simply to discover and protect them. The common idea stems from the belief that the rights are inherent in all mankind. People from across the spectrum of political thought can protect these rights whether they believe in God or moral philosophy. In the 20th century, secular concepts of human rights proliferated: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the American Convention on Human Rights; the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights; the European Convention of Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols and many more. With so many documents and conventions called for governing unalienable rights we can definitely say that they are fundamental parts of humanity, the basis for moral interactions between people and are irrevocable. To sum up, the unalienable rights are given to live a life of purpose and meaning, and to pass on those purposes and those meanings to subsequent generations. Understanding your Unalienable Rights will give you a reason to live, a gratefulness to your Creator, and true self-esteem to pursuit the Happiness!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Logistics Management Vocabulary
Teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for specific purposes, such as logistics management. Use this vocabulary table as a starting point for general English vocabulary study or for lessons related to working in logistics management departments. Logistics Management Vocabulary The table is arranged alphabetically by word or phrase. Where a phrase begins with an article or infinitive, it alphabetized according to the first letter of the phrase to make it easier for teachers and English-language learners to find the terms they are seeking. The columns are divided according to keywords, similar to what you would find in an English-language dictionary. A Nonstop Flight to Owners Risk Rate Clearance Documents to Shipping Note (S/N) Charter a Ship to Yard a nonstop flightactual time of departureadvance freight - prepaid freightadvice of shipment - shipping notice - advice noteagreed airport of departureagreed tareair waybill (AWB) - air consignment noteall-up weightallowed tolerancesat the borderaverage surveybacked notebarrelbatch numberbearer bill of ladingbelow deckberth - mooringbill of entrybill of lading (B/L)boarding cardbonded warehouse - customs warehouseborder - frontierbulk cargoby mail - by postcardboard box - cartoncargo - loadcargo insurancecargo plane - freight planecarriage - transport (GB) - transportation (US)carriage by sea - sea transportcarriage forwardcarriage paidcarriercertificate of origincertificate of shipmentcharter partyCIF valueclearanceclearance agentclearance certificatehandling costsharbor dues - harbor feesharbor officeheavy trafficholdhome deliveryhouse air waybill (HAWB)import dutiesimport licensein bond - waiting for clearancein bulkin transitinchinspection certificatekilogram - kilolanded termslan dinglanding cardlanding order - discharging permitlitre (GB) - liter (US)loading and unloading chargesloading arealoading unitlorry (GB) - truck (US)lotluggage (GB) - baggage (US)metre (GB) - meter (US)milemillimetermooragenet tonnagenet weighton arrivalon boardon deckounceoutward journeyoverland forwardingoverloadowners risk rate clearance documentsclearance dutycleared - ex-bond - duty paidcollection of goodsconsigneeconsignors nameconsignorconsular invoicecontainercontainer terminalcontainershipcost and freight (CF)cost, insurance and freight (CIF)cubiccubic volume - cubic capacitycustom-house - customscustoms declaration formcustoms formalitiescustoms guard - customs officercustoms invoicecustoms officercustoms ratecustoms regulationsdeclared valuedelivered at frontier (DAF)delivered duty paid (DDP)delivery ex-warehousedelivery noticedelivery weightdestinationdock - quay - wharfdocker (GB) - longshoreman (US)documents against acceptancedocuments against paymentdriverduty-freedutyduty paidduty unpaidentry visapacking listpart loadpart shipmentpayloadplace of deliveryplace of departureplace of destinationport - harbour (GB) - harbor (US)port authoritiesport of arrivalport of callport of departureport of destinationport of discharge - port of deliveryporteragepostageposte restante (GB) - general delivery (US) poundpreferential ratepreliminary inspectionproduct loss during loadingprotective dutyrail shipment - rail forwardingreply paidright of wayroad transport - haulagerummagingscheduled time of arrivalscheduled time of departuresenders namesendership - vesselshipmentshipowner companyshipping agentshipping companyshipping cubageshipping documentsshipping instructionsshipping note (S/N) to charter a shipto clear the goodsdockex factory - ex worksex shipex warehouseexcess luggage (GB) - excess baggage (U.S.)export permitfailure - damageflat-ratefootforwarders receiptforwarding agentforwarding stationfree-trade areafree carrierfree deliveredfree deliveryfree in and out (FIO)free of all averagefree of chargesfree on board (FOB)free on board airportfree on quay (FOQ) - free at wharffree on truckfree portfreepostfreight - freightagefreight chargesfreight payable at destinationfreight prepaidfreight ratefrom port to portfull container load (FCL)goods handlinggoods train (GB) - freight train (US)goods wagon (GB) - freight car (US)goods yard (GB) - freight yard (US)gram - grammegrossgross weighthand luggageto handle with carehigh seaslandto rent a carto send goods - to ship goodsto shipsingle ticket (GB) - one-way ticket (US)specified port - agreed portstorage - warehousingstorage costs - warehousing coststo storeto stowstowage chargessubject to dutytare - tare weightterms of deliverytime zone differencetolerancetoll-freetontonnagetrailertranshiptranshipment - transloadingtransport by railtransport planeunit of measurementunloading operationsunpackedwarehouse receiptwarehousing - storagewaybill - consignment noteweighweighingweightweight limitweight specified in the invoiceyard
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Is Homosexuality Morally Or Immoral - 915 Words
Homosexuality has in recent times asserted the position of being a topic of much heated debate. Simple opinion has divided the line between many and conclude those that stand for traditional values and those who take a progressive stance in civil rights. While the nation has become a buzz of opinions and perspectives, many arguments that have been made have been exaggerated and slandered to the extent that they are no more than myths that have been left off of a leash unchecked. Ultimately, there is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality, and despite even the best arguments made against the principle, little carry any weight. Many people look at homosexuals and see people that they are uncomfortable with and jump to irrational conclusions, claiming that the concept is unnatural or immoral. A simple argument can be made that homosexuals cannot reproduce, and therefore should be expelled from any kind of societal recognition. However, what concisely makes the inability to reproduce a negative factor in homosexuality? The inability to procreate may stem the ability to produce a child between a couple, however, it creates the possibility for adoption. Thusly, it would serve to both take a child out of a foster home, making one less crowded and taking less a toll on the inhabitants that reside there, as well as providing a loving home for a child whom may need one. Inherently, a large population of people who do not reproduce may stall, if not solve, the growingShow MoreRelatedIs Homosexuality Morally Or Immoral?906 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexuality has in recent times being the topic of much heate d debate. Simple opinion has divided the line between many and conclude those that stand for traditional values and those who take a progressive stance in civil rights. While the nation has become a buzz of opinions and perspectives, many arguments that have been made have been exaggerated and slandered to the extent that they are no more than myths that have been left off of a leash unchecked. Ultimately, there is nothing inherentlyRead MoreThe Doctrine Of The Existence Of God1470 Words  | 6 Pagesmany years homosexuality has been a debate over acceptance but has been for the most part considered an immoral act based on religious beliefs and the obligation to obey God’s commandments. These views on homosexuality can relate to the Divine Command Theory because morality is dependent upon the actions God commands us to do. There is however controversy with the Divine Command Theory that argues that morality may not be what God says it is therefore, the basis of homosexuali ty being immoral and moralRead MoreThe Moral View Of Homosexuality1708 Words  | 7 Pagesargument of homosexuality being considered moral or immoral has been an argument for as long as humans have been in existence. This argument has been viewed by philological experts and people all over the world for centuries and it continues to be a major argument today. The moral view of homosexuality has many arguments, but the arguments that are going to be mentioned are the normative ethics argument, the argument on why the moral law is true when it comes to homosexuality, and why homosexuality shouldRead MoreIs Feminism a Harmful Ideology Essay1529 Words  | 7 Pages(1) Is it immoral to infringe upon individual liberty (even if some other good can come of it)? (2) Is it immoral to discriminate based on sex (even if there are innate differences, which are relevant to the situation)? What makes these distinctly moral issues, as opposed to legal, religious, or socio-political issues? These are distinctly moral issues for a few reasons. First, answers to these questions require normative statements (yes it is immoral, or no it isnt immoral to infringe†¦)Read MoreHomosexuality Paper -Philosophy1526 Words  | 7 PagesIs Homosexuality Right Or Wrong? by Nazha Gali My topic is homosexuality and the natural law theory. The natural law theory, which was founded by Aquinas, rests on a certain view that the world has a rational order with values and purposes built into its very nature. And since homosexuality is against the orders of nature, the natural law theory totally condemns it. I disagree with this point of view because I choose not to judge homosexuals but instead I accept them as members of our society.Read MoreKant and Sexual Morality1383 Words  | 6 PagesGerman Philosopher Immanuel Kant claimed that it is morally wrong to use a person merely as a means to your end. This judgement helps us to understand and determined sexual morality. Thomas A. Mappes supports Kant’s claims and helps to further explain Kant’s statement by defining it and introducing the idea that one must give their voluntary informed consent in order for certain actions to be moral. Mappes also illustrates that voluntary informed consent can be undermi ned through both deception andRead MoreKant and Sexual Morality1394 Words  | 6 PagesGerman Philosopher Immanuel Kant claimed that it is morally wrong to use a person merely as a means to your end. This judgement helps us to understand and determined sexual morality. Thomas A. Mappes supports Kant’s claims and helps to further explain Kant’s statement by defining it and introducing the idea that one must give their voluntary informed consent in order for certain actions to be moral. Mappes also illustrates that voluntary informed consent can be undermined through both deception andRead MoreHomosexuality Is A Form Of Emotional, Romantic, And Sexual Attraction858 Words  | 4 PagesAs one of the many sexual orientations, homosexuality is a form of emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction that is primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. Homosexuality is a fairly recent phenomenon in the twenty-first century; in fact, this sexual orientation has signif icantly increased but there is no precise way to estimate the exact numbers due to people not openly identifying as such due to homophobia (which, in everyday use, is the fear of homosexuals) and homobigotry (intoleranceRead MoreEssay about Jewish Sexual Ethics1295 Words  | 6 Pages Sexual Ethics are integral to Judaism because they provided direct guidance on how to behave morally and in accordance with the Torah and God. Although, over many years Jews were suffering from persecution, they are currently showing stability which can be attributed to the framework that is outlined through the strong ethics that they uphold. Sexual ethics provide guidance on how to behave morally, righteously and in accordance to the Torah as well as preventing promiscuity, infidelity, immoralityRead MoreEthics of Homosexuality857 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Homosexuality Homosexuality has always been a controversial topic of ethical discussion. The morality of the subject depends completely upon a person’s views. A person is often swayed one way or another and religion often plays a very large role on the subject. There are those who believe in the divine command theory and those who believe in the natural law theory. In order to properly understand either theory it is important to know the meaning behind each. According to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt Free Essays
The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal Hannah Mickelson United States History Hour 4 After suffering three long years of economic hardships, Franklin Roosevelt was elected president which gave the nation hope of overcoming the awful years of the Great Depression. The New Deal was Roosevelt’s response to the depression and became effective as soon as he was elected into office. The New Deal was intended to bring relief, reform, and recovery to the country. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although the New Deal did not end the Great Depression, Roosevelt had great success in reaching his goals of providing relief and reform to the nation, but was unsuccessful in providing recovery for the struggling Americans. Franklin Roosevelt created many different laws and agencies to reach his goals of relief, reform, and recovery. Roosevelt created the Social Security Act. The Social Security Act provided modest pensions, unemployment insurance, and financial assistance to handicapped, elderly, and dependent children. It was a system that provided for the welfare of individuals in the new industrial act. The National Recovery Administration as meant to encourage cooperation between businesses, government, and labor to achieve economic progress. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was an effort to support farmers back into success. Relief was one of the 3 R’s that was a success during Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. The different laws and agencies Roosevelt developed were all to help the people out of the depression, but on the way he came up with different ways for the citizens to feel relief. The Civilian Consercation Corps and the Works Progress Administration were made to design new work programs for people and kept people from starving. It also helped citizens restore their self-respect that they had lost during the hard years of the Great Depression. These agencies provided needed labor for public projects. For women, the depression made their position in the economy worse. More than 20% of women were unemployed, but if the women that did work had their wages lowered a significant amount. If women were raising children, often the oldest male child would have to go out and find work to provide for the household. In the sense of reform, Roosevelt was successful by including Negroes in the government for the first time ever. The New Deal greatly changed the government. Before the Great Depression the government was mostly laissez faire and allowed businesses to act however they pleased. By the end of the New Deal, the government had a much bigger role in regulation businesses and affecting the lives of citizens. Many citizens felt like the new agencies that were created would help greatly in the role of the government as â€Å"an instrument of democratic action. †Many also disagreed and though it was leading the country towards socialism and communism. The New Deal changed the government into a much larger, more individual government. Although World War II was the reason the Great Depression ended, Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal greatly reduced the worst effects of the depression. After the New Deal ended, Roosevelt was still extremely popular and had revived American optimism. When the New Deal ended, the unemployment rate had dropped significantly from 12,830,000 to 7,700,000. There were many things Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal did to lighten the impact of the Great Depression although it did not end it itself. It changed the way the government functioned and the optimism in Americans. It gave citizens hope in overcoming hardships. Roosevelt built a dominant new political coalition, creating a democratic majority. Bibliography McElvaine, Robert. The Great Depression. New York: Times Books, 1947. Print. Ross, Stewart. Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression. Texas: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1998. Print. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. 1995-2010 http://wps. ablongman. com/long_divine_appap_7/23/5931/1518562. cw/index. html FDR’s New Deal Summary Analysis. http://www. shmoop. com/fdr-new-deal/summary. html The Effectiveness of Roosevelt’s New Deal. July 29, 2010. http://voices. yahoo. com/the-effectiveness-roosevelts-6418844. html How to cite The Effectiveness of Franklin Roosevelt, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Unicorns Essay Example For Students
Unicorns Essay In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, a mystical creature known as the unicornmade many appearances. As described throughout much of literature, the unicornis reputed to look somewhat like a white horse, although it has a long, twistedhorn protruding from its forehead.1 The earliest description of the unicorn wasby Ctesias (400 BC) (The New Book of Knowledge, Vol. U-V 19: 391). Unicorns havecloven hooves that are somewhat yellow in color; some are said to have alion-like tail. Male unicorns can be distinguished from their femalecounterparts mainly in part of the goat-like beard beneath the chin. Also, thefemales are more elegant and have a slimmer muscle frame. The typical Europeanunicorn has a coat of hair that is pure white, and has eyes that are either deepsea blue or fiery pink. Long and silky strands of white hair hand down from itsmane and forelock. In his book, The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle describes thismythological creature as looking nothing like a horned horse smaller and cloven-hoofed (1). In his book, Beagles unicorn was thecolor of sea foam when it was young; as it aged, its color changedto the color of snow falling on a moonlit night (1). A unicornshorn is white, silver, or golden in color, is about two to three feet in length,and is said to have special healing powers. Throughout time, there have beenmany varied descriptions of the unicorn. In Asia, for example, mention of theanimal dates back as far as 26 century BC.1 The animal described is far moredifferent than the European unicorn. Rather than looking like a horse, the Asianunicorn, known as the ki-lin, appears more like a dragon, although it hascloved hooves.1 The ki-lins body was made predominately of shimmery fishscales that shone in every color of the rainbow, and its horn was also thoughtto contain magical healing powers.1 The ki-lin is reported to have wanderedthrough the palace of the emperor Huang-ti in 2697 BC, and was honored as theking of all the land animals.1 Of the two, th e European is the more widely knownunicorn, and thus, more information is readily available on that type ofunicorn. In Beagles book, he states that it is their nature to live alonein one place: usually a forest (1). As they are vain creatures, theyprefer to live in solitary places where there is a shallow pool of water nearbywere they can see themselves clearly (Beagle, 1). They normally dwell only intemperate woodlands, away from human activity. They are herbivorous creatures,living mainly off of tender leaves of the forest and its grasses. Althoughunicorns are immortal, they do have enemies and can be killed. Its enemiesinclude the harpy, dragon, and chimera (Beagle, 95). Not much is known about theunicorns reproductive habits, only that it rarely ever mates (Beagle, 1). However, it is believed that when they do, it is for life. As the unicorns hornwas reputed to have mystical healing powers, unicorn hunts were popularthroughout the Middle Ages. Since baby unicorns were almost non-existent, if onecould catch a baby, he was even more richly rewarded. The unicorns horn wasthought to be a healing source. It was claimed to cure many diseases and wardoff many others, such as epilepsy and different stomach illnesses. It was alsobelieved to a neutralizer against poison.3 The horn was continuously soughtafter to be given to apothecaries; they would grind up the horn to make a poisonneutralizing powder. Also, the horn was said to bleed if poison was brought nearit.3 For these reasons, over 40,000 gold pieces were offered for the horn of aunicorn (which almost always turned out to be the horn of the narwhal, orunicorn of the sea). Although it was a healer of wounds, the unicornwas a ruthless, savage fighter when cornered. She had killed dragons withit , and he aled a king whose poisoned wound would not close(Beagle, 1). Beagle clearly shows that the unicorns horn was its means ofprotection, as well as its healing strength. He clearly emphasizes the extremechange in the unicorns temperate, going from killer to healer. In ancient Greekand Roman myths, unicorns were an emblem of purity. As such, they were placedamong virgin saints whenever they were mentioned in a myth.2 In medieval societyas well, the unicorn was a symbol of purity and innocence. It was fabled that aunicorn would only allow an untouched person of pure heart to touchit. From this came the tradition a princess bride-to-be would have to go throughin order to marry. Before a prince and a princess could be married, the princesswould have to go into the forest in search of a unicorn. The princess would havea bridle of gold waiting, and would call softly to the unicorn to come and layits head on her lap (Beagle, 73). In most instances, the princess would waituntil a good amount of time had passed and would then go back to tell them thatshe had satisfied the tradition (Beagle, 73-74). This tradition had come aboutmainly to prove that the young girl about to be married was still pure anduntouched. The unicorn was also revered in society as a symbol of honesty.3 Inthe Middle Ages, many upper-class family crests contained an image of theunicorn for this reason. The unicorns counterpart was the lion, as they wereboth considered king of all animals.3 In many cases, both the unicorn and lionwere placed on the crests as symbols of honesty, purity, and strength. In time,the unicorn came to be seen as an emblem of the spring season, and the lionstood for summer.3 As the unicorn was a symbol of chastity and purity, it wasclaimed that it could only be captured by a virgins touch.3 Because of this, avirgin was almost always included in the unicorn hunts that were organized. Macbeth - The Breaking Ball of Clay EssayBibliographyUnicorns. Http:// March 11, 2000. Unicorn Myths and Legends. Http:// March 11, 2000. Origins of the Unicorn. Http:// March 14, 2000 Beagle, Peter S. The Last Unicorn. New York: Penguin Publishing,1991 Unicorns. The New Book of Knowledge, Volume U-V 19. GrolierIncorporated, 1982.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Choosing a House Evaluation of Information
Table of Contents Introduction and review Information on Comparables Other valid factors Conclusion References Choosing a house to purchase can be quite hectic and confusing, with the many good houses available and especially so on the web. Most of the websites will purport to have exactly what you are looking for even though some of this data may be outdated or exaggerated to suite the seller. Some may not provide the important materials. This essay looks at valuation information of a specific house, known to the writer, provided by different websites to determine how much truth is reflected by information found online.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Choosing a House: Evaluation of Information specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction and review The house to be evaluated is located at Berringer Ln., 14567 street, in Jacksonville city inside Florida State. It was built in 1998 and sold for $125, 800 but has not been sold again since then. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms with an estimated square fit (Sq. Ft) of 1708. Valuers have estimated the house to stand on a lot size of between 9275 sq ft. (, par 8) and 9240 sq ft/0.21 acres, (Zillow, par 6) Its estimated value was $196,000 US dollars in February 2011 but by July 2011 it had depreciated to the value of $187,200, with a Price of $110 per Sq. ft ( par 8). Other statistics shows it to be estimated at a value of $189,800 as at 14th July 2011, with a range of $140,000-$232,000, (Zillow, 12) and to have low range price value of $142,035 and a High range price value of $192,165, (City-data com, par 3). Taxes paid during the previous year were estimated at $1,469. All websites visited tend to have a relatively uniform valuation of the price of the house with an average of $188,000 US dollars, thus showing consistency, which makes it easier to compare the values and use the values to make a logical judg ment of the house. Information on Comparables Most of the websites have provided the available comparables with features closely to the house researched on. One website provided data on the neighboring homes. The price of ranged from $194,800 for a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms and a Sq. ft of 1793 to a price of $184,000 for the same number of bedrooms and bathrooms and a Sq. ft of 1639, ( par 9). Houses available for sale with three bedrooms and two bathrooms ranged from $189,900 for a Sq. ft of 1915 and $213,400 for Sq. ft 1689, ( 2011). While those that have been recently sold from the same locality went for $230,000 with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, built on 2002 and sold January 1st, 2011, and $141,300 for a house with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, built on 2002 and sold 28th September, 2010, (City-data com,par 5). ObservationsAdvertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 1 5% OFF Learn More The websites visited did not provide more information on the comparables except the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and the size of the houses. However, this information was important to compare the features of those alternative houses with the one under scrutiny. However, of the information retrieved has been exaggerated especially the construction quality and the size of the garage. Some websites have been found to be really detailed. They included tables and detailed statistics on virtually everything about the area such as the income distribution of individuals, the comparison between children enrolled in private schools and those enrolled in public schools, (City-data com, par 2). This makes them more reliable and preferable to other sites with less details. Other valid factors The websites do not provide further details on other factors other than the values of the house. There is however information on the nearest schools which are within a distanc e of 2.82 and 3.0 miles for public schools while 3.55 miles for the private school, ( par 10). The names of the best public schools are Durbin Creek Elementary, Fruit Cove middle School and Mandarin High School, (Zillow, 15). The population density in the area has been estimated to be 1099 people per Square mile, while the cost of living as at January 2011 was 90.4, which is lower compared to the US average estimated to be 100 (City-data com, par 6). This means that the place is relatively cheap to live in especially if the purchaser of the house belongs to the working class group. Information on the available social amenities such as churches, sports clubs etc were not availed by any of the websites. Further, details on things such as lighting, water etc were also not provided. This information is also very important when making a decision where to buy and create a home with your family and therefore should be included in the general informational detail of the house. Conc lusion Due to increased technology, marketers are adopting the e-marketing strategy by marketing their products online. This is a well-modernized way to keep up with technological advancement which every marketer should be encouraged to adopt. However, while we are at it, we should ensure that the information obtained is the correct data. This requires one to verify information obtained from more than one site. Marketers also should ensure that the information they post to the web is as much as possible a true representation on the ground. This will instill confidence in the customers about their websites.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Choosing a House: Evaluation of Information specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References City-data com. Recent Home Sales: Price Trends, and Home Value Evaluator, powered by Onboard Informatics. [2010]. Online. Part of the Network. [2011 ].Online. Zillow. Zillow real estate estimate. [2011]. Online. This research paper on Choosing a House: Evaluation of Information was written and submitted by user Phoebe L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude Essays
sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude Essays sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude Essay sexist stereotypes in 100 years of solitude Essay Essay Topic: The Second Sex Defying Roles of Sexist Stereotypes The book 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is centered around an eclectic family living in the solitude of Macondo for seven generations. As the members of the Buendia family live their lives, they find themselves in a repeating cycle of sins committed by the original Buendias. Out of everything the family does to escape their troubles, nothing seems to work. In and around the family there are only few individuals who keep them from completely spiraling out of control and they ll happen to be women. Within the book, Marquez tends to put women in the stereotypical female societal roles. The characters, however, defy their roles and become the few people to hold the family together. Three important women in 100 Years of Solitude are Ursula Buendia: the housewife, Pilar Ternera: the mysterious whore, and Remedios the Beauty: the crazy yet beautiful woman. Although they are labeled with sexist stereotypes, they become some of the strongest and most beneficial characters to saving the Buendia family from their original sins. Ursula Buendia, although one of the original Buendias, is the strongest and most powerful woman in the book. She committed the original sin of incest with her husband/cousin Jose Arcadio Buendia, but it was provoked by him and not her. Ursula resisted having sex with Jose Arcadio Buendia because she did not want her child to have a pigs tail as a result and even wore metal underwear, but soon into the marriage, she was forced into it because other men bullied JAB. Thereafter, JAB committed the second original sin of violence by killing Prudencio, and then together im and Ursula moved in to solitude. Although Ursula technically committed the original sins, she resisted the actions the whole time, knowing the consequences would be dire. JAB was the main mastermind behind them, beginning the endless cycle and setting the tone for the rest of the book. From then on, it seemed that the men of the Buendia family made the trouble and the women cleaned up after them, Theyre all alike, Ursula lamented. At first they behave very well, theyre obedient and prompt and they dont seem capable of killing a fly. But as soon as their beards ppear they go to ruin. (Marquez 152) Ursula is alive for over half of the book, which equals to about 100 years old. Throughout her life she is a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother and so on, all the while playing the role of a housewife to the growing Buendia family. Even after Ursula goes blind she is still able t o keep everyone in check as best as she can without help from anyone, especially the boys. Right from the beginning, JAB began distancing himself from the family while searching for knowledge with elaborate items and ideas, leaving Ursula all on her wn to raise three children who of course commit the original sins despite her parenting. In the end, even though Ursula did not completely save the family from their sins, she turned her housewife role into a powerful position taking over the role of the man of the family as well while keeping the family from ruins. Pilar Ternera is another strong female character in the book placed in a sexist stereotypical role. Besides Pilar herself, her name also resembles the word pillar which is an object designed to hold up a building, Just as she held up the Buendia eing able to read fortunes, she had sex with many men and was the head of a brothel at one point. The fact that Pilar could seduce many men and have sex with almost whoever she wanted shows that she had a lot of power over men because she could control them, which is ironic because of the role she is placed in. Pilar used her sexuality to sleep with Jose Arcadio and his brother Colonel Aureliano Buendia which at first may not seem great, but it brought new blood into the Buedia family which is good because it was not incest. This is not the power though, that Pilar enerally used throughout the book to save the Buendia family. She used no sex or magical powers and instead changed peoples fate by changing the their situation and also going to many bounds to keep the family and herself away from the sins. One good change that she made by altering the situation was when her son Arcadio, who did not know he was her son, tried to sleep with her. She instead told him to meet her later and paid a girl, Santa Sofia de la Piedad, to sleep with him, Pilar Ternera had paid her fifty pesos, half of her life savings, to do what she did. (Marquez 112) She paid the other half of her life savings to Santa Sofias parents, leaving her with no money left at all, but saving her son and the Buenda family from another act of incest and sin. Arcadio and Santa Sofia ended up having three children together of non-incest blood: Remedios the Beauty, Aureliano Segundo, and Jose Arcadio Segundo. Pilar Ternera, placed in the role of a whore, which is usually seen as below other people, rose above that and saved the Buendia family from multiple sin-committing situations that helped them to continue on living. Remedios the Beauty, although crazy, is the third most influential woman in 100 Years of Solitude. She was extraordinarily beautiful yet seemed to be crazy or mentally challenged to the other characters in the book. She seemed to have no interest in hygiene or appearance, walking around the house naked and drawing animals on the wall in her own fecal matter. By the time she was twenty she did not even know how to read or write, but that was not the point of her character. What makes Remedios the Beauty so important to the book is how she defied her role of eauty and stupidity by being the only person in the story who did not seem to care or be affected the crazy things that happen to the Buendia family and the town of Macondo. She was the only actually sane person in the story because she was unaffected by the sins and eventually floated up into the sky because she was too normal for the Buendia family and did not fit in. Building on her role of being beautiful, like Pilar, she holds a power over men. Remedios does not under stand her beauty but, The more she did away with fashion in a search for comfort and the ore she passed over the conventions as she obeyed spontaneity, the more disturbing her incredible beauty became and the more provocative she became to men. (Marquez 230) Men would fall to their deaths when they looked upon her beauty even though she had a shaved head and wore a sheet around her body. It showed that even without trying or being aware, Remedios the Beauty could defy her stereotypical role because really they do not exist and you cannot place people into sexist societal roles. When viewing the book as a whole, you can see that Marquez uses Ursula, Pilar, nd Remedios the Beauty to ulti mately show how women cannot be put into sexist above men, who in 100 Years of Solitude seem to be the problem. Even though the Buendia family could not be saved in the end, these three powerful women broke out of their roles and did the best they could to protect the family as long as they could. In the seventh and final generation without these three women to protect them, the last child, Aureliano, was born with a pigtail. Without Ursula, Pilar, and Remedios the Beauty in their stereotypical roles, the Buendia family would not have had as long a lineage as they did.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Property law assignment task about self-declaration of trusteeship Essay
Property law assignment task about self-declaration of trusteeship - Essay Example Whereby, courts of chancery may have to strike a balance of conscience between â€Å"equity will not perfect an imperfect gift†and â€Å"equity looks at the intent not the form†. Where the settlor is the sole trustee there is no further requirement that the subject matter of the trust are vested in them, ‘constitution’ is automatic. The duality of ownership principle in this type of trust has been justified by three very prominent cases providing for varied approaches in their reasoning. The House of Lords case of Vandervell v IRC2 held that the settlor’s original equitable interest passes to the Beneficiary by the presumption of its existence ab inito. Whereas Lord Browne-Wilkinson in Westdeutsche Landesbank v Islington LBC3 proposed a different view of this reasoning stating, the original equitable interest as â€Å"dormant†and being â€Å"carved†out of the settlor’s legal interest. Also consider the case of Re DKLR Holdings 4 in the High court of Australia where Brennan J opines â€Å"An equitable interest is not carved out of a legal estate but impressed upon it†. This legal reasoning was also applied by McLelland J in the later case of re Transphere Pty Ltd. Practically these justifications form no part of judicial reasoning in reaching decisions but provide for the legal reasoning behind the creation of trusts. The first certainty the courts are looking to satisfy in an express trust is the certainty of intention i.e. words construed as to be imperative (Knight v Knight)5. Courts may apply deductive reasoning to ascertain or infer an intention but three requirements need to be satisfied to identify it. Firstly, â€Å"what did [the settlor] intend to be the sanction? Was it to be the authority of the court of Justice or the conscience of the devisee?†- LJ Christian (McCormick v Grogan)6. The word ‘trust’ is not important to legitimise the intention of the settlor to create a trust, only his intention of a binding obligation need be conveyed(Re Kayford)7. Secondly, the intention is made manifest (Re Vandervell’s Trusts (No.2)). Precatory words to benefit another are not sufficient (Jones v Lock)8 reaffirmed in Lambe v Eames9. Also the courts may take a different approach in finding such an intention in the contested declaration, it was held in Comiskey v Bowring-Hanbury10 that the courts will consider the context of the words used as important and may infer an intention to create a valid trust. Thirdly, the test of construction of the manifested intent is objective irrespective of the settlor’s actual intentions (Gissing v Gissing)11. As mentioned earlier precatory words are not sufficient to ascertain a valid self-declaration of trusteeship but the courts have not gone so far as to particularize words deemed to be sufficient. In Richards v Delbridge it was stated that the settlor does not need to use particular words: ‘†¦he ne ed not use words ‘I declare myself trustee’, but he must do something which is equivalent to it, and use expressions which have that meaning.’ In Re Cozens, Neville J stated what was required in order to establish that an owner had effectively declared himself trustee of his own property: ‘†¦.in each case where a declaration of trust is relied on the Court must be satisfied that a present, irrevocable declaration of tru
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Family psychology and structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Family psychology and structure - Essay Example According to me a family comprises of the people who are close to someone by blood, marriage or friendship. I come from a nuclear family of nine members: four brothers, two sisters, my mother and my father. On top of that I have so many friends whom I consider as my family because they offer a lot of support to me just likes how family members do .In support to this the oxford dictionary explains that a family can be a group of people related by blood or marriage.It further explains that people related by blood are those that can be termed biologically as having the same genetic makeup while those related by marriage are those who come together due to a mutual agreement and whose relationships are guided by vows taken at the time of marriage and social way of life.It goes further to explain that a family comprise of people who share a great sense of loyalty and intimacy. This includes people related by blood, marriage, adoption and friends. Friends who give one a sense of belonging, care, love and protection can be termed as family. On religious values, a family is supposed to have a common believe that is, if it’s Christianity, Muslim or Hinduism .My family members are Christians, we conduct religious activities together and this has strengthened our bond. A family without similar religious values is said not to be in full unity. The same political values should be obtained after several consultation and discussions and a conclusion reached as to what is best for the family.... e the best code of conduct is togetherness; families should maintain good ties, communication and recognizing your role in the family .In my family everyone understands his/her role for example supporting each other in times of need. Understanding one’s role in the family reduces conflict s and hence promotes togetherness. Also a family can be viewed as a group of people with common ancestry. This shows that people of the same origin can be termed as family. Members of the same family share so many things in common. This is so because every family is guided by rules, regulations and behavioral traits that are instilled to children by the parents. It follows then that people of the same family have the same view on religious, political and social way of life. Structure of family Family fall into two types which are nuclear or extended family(Paul Cheney, 2009). A nuclear family consists of father, mother and children. This is the simplest form of family. Father and mother are r elated by marriage while they are related to their children by blood. Parents can also be related to their children through adoption whereby they parent a child who is not biologically theirs. An extended family is a family that includes people who share the same lineage and have common ancestors. Extended family gives moral and financial support to each other. It is the responsibility of every member in the extended family to uphold the name of the family in terms of moral traits and financial status. In the nuclear family, it is the role of the parents to nurture the children. This means that parents should educate their children on important life skills in their preparation to adult life. Children are expected to heed to their parents’ advice and are expected to pass on whatever they are
Monday, January 27, 2020
LITERATURE REVIEW of Postoperative Pain and Foot Reflexology
LITERATURE REVIEW of Postoperative Pain and Foot Reflexology Post operative pain: The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (Black, J M, 2005). Post operative pain can be defined as pain resulted from surgical intervention. Pain is generally protective, it warns of tissue damage and prompt treatment, but post operatively it can hold up recovery. Factors that affect post operative pain consist of the previous experience, surgical intervention, intra operative pain management, site and size of incision and extent of surgical trauma (Rahman M, Beattie J, 2005). The basic pain mechanism consists of mainly four processes such as transduction, transmission, perception and modulation (Koeppen B M, Stanton B A 1996). Surgical tissue damage causes release of substances such as bradykinin, arachidonic acid, histamine, 5-hydroxytriptamine, substance P and prostaglandins. These chemicals stimulate peripheral pain receptors which transmit the pain impulses. This pain impulse is transmitted to spinal cord through neuronal fibers. From there sensory information is carried through the spinothalamic tract and spinonueclear tract to the thalamus and the reticular activating system. Neurons from the thalamus project to cerebral cortex for the conscious perception of pain. (Krik.R.M, W.T. Ribbans, 2004).When pain stimulus reaches the brain stem and thalamus naturally it stimulate the release of endorphins and enkephalins,which may inhibit pain transmission at spinal cord(Rahman M, Beattie J, 2005). Foot reflexology: Reflexology is a bodywork modality in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Reflexology is the act of applying pressure on specific areas of hands and feet that correspond to particular organs and glands of the body using specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. Reflexology therapies are classified in to three types: ear reflexology, hand reflexology and foot reflexology. The basic concept of foot reflexology promotes homeostasis. Foot reflexology improves blood circulation, lymphatic circulation and also motivates relaxation; good sleep and wound healing (Julia Layton, 2002). History of foot reflexology: The treatment of feet was well known in China, Korea and other eastern countries. It was believed to be originated 5000 years back. This is supported by an Egyptian Tomb Drawing. This drawing shows four people, one person being treated with foot reflexology and another with hand reflexology. William Fitzgerald, an American ENT specialist reintroduced foot reflexology to the modern era. She did several works on reflexology. Later on Eunice Ingham, a physical therapist popularized this therapy through her books the stories the feet can tell and stories the feet have told (Marquardth, Hanne, 1999). Theories of foot reflexology: The core theories of foot reflexology derived from zone theory and meridian theory. The effects of foot reflexology are also explained by energy theory, lactic acid theory, theory of proprioceptive nervous receptors and psychological theory. Melzack and Walls, gate control theory and endogenous theory also explains about the effects of reflexology in reducing pain (Stephenson N L, Weinrich S P and Tavakoli A S, 2000). Zone theory: Fitzgerald, according to the effects of treatment he observed, divided the body in to 10 zones. The longitudinal body zones appear as equally large vertical fields leading from medial to lateral zones. The organs, tissue and systems through which a longitudinal zone passes in the body are represented in the same zone on the feet on reduced scale. Application of pressure on any reflex point in hand or feet would have a corresponding effect on different organs lying within that zones .These longitudinal zones are considered as energy path ways , thus pressure applied on feet have a corresponding effect on organs and systems of that path way. The concept of this theory assumed human beings were alive with a life force and this life force flow through energy pathways (Marquardth, Hanne, 1999). Meridian theory: This theory was modified from zone theory by Ingham. Ingham mapped the foot areas showing the relationship between energy pathways and reflex points corresponding to visceral organs from her experience. For example the pressure applied to the part of left foot has effect on corresponding visceral organs and glands on the left side (Marquardth, Hanne, 1999). Energy theory: Energy theory proposes that body parts communicate through an electromagnetic field and sometimes the energy pathway become blocked. Foot reflexology promoted good circulation of energy without any block and thus augment the state of body balance and organ function (Mary Cade, 2002). Lactic acid theory: Any stress releases the lactic acid and this deposit in an energy pathway as microcrystals and obstructs the free flow of energy. Foot reflexology mashes the crystals and allows for the free flow of energy (Mary Cade, 2002). The gate control theory: Melzack and Wall explained mechanism of pain and gate control theory of pain. The gate control theory explained that the transmission cells (T calls) are controlled by a spinal gating mechanism situated in the dorsal horn. This spinal gating mechanism influenced by the activity of large and small diameter nerve fibers. Stimulation of large fibers activates the inhibition of neuronal transmission and stimulation of small fibers results in transmission of pain impulses. Foot reflexology helps in inhibition neuronal transmission by stimulating large fibers (Nancy,L.N et al. 2007). Innoculous stimuli, such as rubbing a hurt area, can block or reduce pain sensation. Such stimulation activates the large diameter fibers and their activity leads to release of GABA and other neurotransmitters. GABA acts by both pre synaptic and post synaptic mechanism to shut down the activity of spinothalamic tract cells (Koeppen B.M, Stanton B. A, 1996). Foot reflexology also reduces stress and fear by providing a warm feeling, security and trust and this helps in transporting direct impulses to brain and inhibit pain impulses by closing the gates at spinal cord. Endogenous pain control theory: Foot reflexology helps in transmission of neuronal impulse to stimulate pituitary gland of hypothalamus to release endorphins (Xavier Regina, 2007). Endorphins are endogenous opiate neuropeptide produced by the body and activate the opiate receptors and consequently have a significant analgesic action. The action of endogenous opiate neuropeptide was believed to work at CNS by inhibiting release of substance P and stopping the nociceptors by paring with suitable opiate receptors (Hawthorn Jan, Kathy Redmond, 1998). Foot reflexology in pain reduction: A study was at Division of Science and Design, University of Canberra, Australia on the use of foot massage as a nursing intervention in patients admitted with cancer. 87 patients were participated in the study and each one received a 5-minute reflexology foot massage per foot. The study reported that the reflexology has a significant and immediate effect on the pain, nausea, and relaxation, when it was measured with a visual analog scale. (Grealish L, 2000). Nationwide research study undertaken in Denmark reported that, reflexology treatment has a positive effect on patients suffering from migraine and tension headaches. The study was done at the Department of Social Pharmacy, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy with the help of five reflexology associations. 220 patients were participated in the study. Reflexology was performed by 78 fully trained reflexologist. Among the patients who took part in the study, ninety percent reported that they had already started to take the prescribed medication one month before the study and, out of them, 36 percent had experienced ill effects from the medicines. Eighty one percent of the prescribed medicine in the acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol group was taken at least twice a week and 72% of the stronger medicines were taken at least once a fortnight which point out that the greater part of the patients were suffering from moderate to severe symptoms. After three months of reflexology treatments , eighty one percent of patients confirmed that reflexology helped them in reducing their symptoms. Nineteen percent of the patients re-ported that they had been able to completely stop the medications they had been taking before the study (Carlson Selvia, 2006). A study was conducted at the Hospital of Beijing College of Languages to assess the effect of reflexology treatment on acute lower back pain. Twenty patients between the ages of 35 and 55, suffering from lower back strain was participated in the study. Ten reflexology therapies were delivered to each patient. All patients reported that the treatment had effectively reduced their pain. 5 of them obtained complete relief after one treatment, 10 patients obtained relief after 3 to 4 treatments and 5 patients got complete relief only after 5 to 7 treatments. No analgesics or other medications were used all over the course of treatments (Xiao Zhenge, 2002). A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of foot reflexology on pain and anxiety in patients admitted with breast and lung cancer. It was a quasi-experimental, cross over study done at medical and oncology units of a 314-bed hospital in the South-Eastern United States. Twenty-three in-patients with breast or lung cancer were taken for the study. The bulk of the samples were receiving regularly scheduled opioids and adjuvant medications. Procedures included a foot reflexology to both feet for 30 minutes during intervention condition and with at least a two-day break during control condition for each patient. No changes were made in patients usual schedule or medications. Following the foot reflexology intervention, patients with breast and lung cancer experienced a significant reduction in anxiety and pain (Stephenson N L, Weinrich S P, Tavakoli A S, 2000). A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of foot reflexology as a pain killer in China (1998). Reflexology was done to 60 individuals between ages 1 to 73 to reduce the pain resulted from toothache, headache, sore throat, stiff neck, shoulder pain,old wound, breast pain, chest rib pain, dysmenorrhoea, abdominal pain , wrist and leg pain and joint pain in limbs. Reflexology sessions lasted for 20 minutes to 40 minutes. Following one session 18 of the 60 were healed. 11 were nurse back to health following 2 or 3 sessions, 22 were effectively treated after 2 or 3 sessions. Reflexology was not effective for 9 cases after 1 to 3 sessions (Jin Hui, 1998). Foot reflexology in post operative pain reduction: A study was conducted at AIIMS, New Delhi (2002-2004) to find out the efficiency of reflexology in postoperative pain management. Sixty patients were divided randomly into Reflexology group (foot reflexology and required quantity of standard drugs) and Control group (standard quantity of standard drugs alone).Standard drugs included are NSAID (Diclofenac) and Opioids (Pethidine and Fentanyl).Pain score was measured by using a visual analog scale of 0 10. Pain was measured at the time scale of 0, 2, 6, 24 hours. 0 hours is the time which patient was shifted to recovery room. The results showed a considerable decrease in pain scores and decrease in the requirement and quantity of drugs among reflexology group compared to control group (Shewtha Choudary et al., 2006). A study was carried out to examine the effect of foot reflexology on sternotomy pain of patients undergone CABG at Iran University of Medical Sciences (2007). This was a quasi-experimental study, 90 patients were randomly divided into three groups of case, control and placebo. The reflexology group received a 10-minute right foot massage in desired location, two times a day with 6 hours interval for 2 successive days. The placebo group received a 10-minute left foot massage and the control group received no intervention. Pain was assessed using visual analogue scale. Outcome showed that the mean of pain intensity before and after intervention in three groups had a significant difference. In the case group average pain intensity before the intervention was 6.4(Â ±2.1) and after the intervention was 3.4(Â ±5.1). In control group the mean of pain intensity before and after intervention was respectively 5.1(Â ±1.7) and 5(Â ±1.9). Independent t-test showed a significant reduction in i ntensity of postoperative pain between case and control groups (Bozorgzad, 2007). A study was conducted to look into the efficacy of foot reflex therapy as adjuvant treatment modality in reducing pain and anxiety in postsurgical patients with gastric and hepatocellular cancer at Taiwan (2005). It was a randomized controlled trial. Sixty-one patients who had undergone surgery for gastric or hepatocellular carcinoma were randomly assigned to intervention (n = 30) or control (n = 31) group. Patients in the experimental group received 20 minutes of foot reflexotherapy in addition to the usual pain management during 2nd, 3rd and 4th postoperative days. Patients in the control group got usual pain management only. Outcome was measured using short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire, VAS, summary of the pain medications taken, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Intervention group reported less pain and anxiety over time when compared with the control group. The study also revealed that the patients in the experimental group received significantly less pain medicat ions than the control group.(Tsay, Shiow-Luan et al., 2008). A study was conducted to compare effects of symptom management with reflexology on pain and frequency of pain medication taken in old age patient with prostatectomy at Suratthanee Hospital, Thailand (2005). Quasi-experimental, pretest -post test design was used with a control groups. 40 elderly patients were selected and allocated to experimental and control groups. The instrument used for the study consisted of four sessions; Symptom experienced assessment, Knowledge providing, Reflexology and evaluation phases. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and t-test. The study reported that the posttest mean score on pain of an experimental group was significantly lower than of the pretest. The posttest mean score of pain of an experimental group was significantly lower than of a control group. The posttest mean score of frequency pain medication taking of an experimental group was significantly lower than of a control group (Tanyakhanok Pongpiyapibon, 2005). A study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of foot reflexology on pain level, vital signs and satisfaction in patients with abdominal surgery by a post graduate student of Mahidol University, Taiwan (2003). It was a quasi experimental research with simple cross over design. Thirty patients were randomly selected to control group and experimental group. Control group received 30 minutes of supportive education and experimental group received 30 minutes of foot reflexology. Pain assessment and vital signs were recorded pre, immediately after therapy and at 15 minutes and 45 minutes interval. The results showed that patient received foot reflexology had marked reduction in pain compared to those received supportive education. It also reported a marked effect in vital signs (Sarunya, 2003).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ethics of Designer Babies Essay
I believe that it is unacceptable to reproduce genetically designed babies, unless it is to prevent disease or disability. Genetically designing babies can be used in many different ways. You can choose their hair and eye color, their IQ, and their special talents. People are beginning to predispose their children to be whatever they think they should be. Some want their children to be superstar athletes, while others want the next Beethoven. Others want their children to be just as they are. A deaf lesbian couple wanted to have a deaf child. Their friend donated the sperm and they asked the geneticists if it were possible to create a deaf child. A few months later, the child was born as a fully deaf baby. I believe that it is wrong to intentionally harm a fetus by giving them a disability or disease. It prevents them from living a fully functional life. If a couple were to research or visit a gene therapist, and they determined if the couple were to have a male child, the child would most definitely be born with a heart defect and would only live a few years, but if they had a female child that she would be perfectly healthy, then it is okay to provide the family security by enabling them to have a female child. By doing this, they are preventing a disability or disease. If the couple has four boys and intentionally says â€Å" If I am having a male, I want an abortion. †then that is completely immoral. In one book, Choosing Children, It asks the question: â€Å"People use antenatal or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to have a child without disability. Is this a form of eugenics? Is it a part of a slide toward what the Nazi’s did? †. I believe that it is a form of eugenics. We are bettering the society by providing fully functional human beings. Nazi’s weren’t trying to prevent a disease or disability, they were worried about the physical features of the Jewish descent. Another book, Disability and Genetic Choice, asked if it were okay to have a Down Syndrome test. I believe that it is okay to have the testing as long as it is not the determining factor in terminating a pregnancy. This gives the parent(s) a chance to prepare themselves and be educated or give them a chance to arrange an adoption. I draw the line of designing babies at preventing disability. It is unnecessary to chose a babies hair or eye color. Just because they have a certain hair or eye color does not mean that they will be treated or act differently in society. Every genetic change has a downside, so while creating a child that is an athlete by making their uscles work harder, it is causing their heart to weaken a lot faster than someone who was not â€Å"designed†. Genetically â€Å"strengthening†babies can provide a family with a piece of mind that they will have a healthy child. Although many people want to chose how their children may look or act, having a healthy, functioning, strong child will triumph over how they may look or act. Before one thought that he could genetically design a child, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) came about. IVF then paved the way for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic selection (PGS). PGD is the process in which the doctors screen the embryos to see if any genetic disorders are present. Many of the disorders that are screened are life changing, disabling conditions. PGS is the process in which they â€Å"hand pick†the embryo without any genetic disorders and implant it back into the mother. This is the first red flag many people see in how genetically designed babies came about. This may be the only (mostly) uncontroversial part of genetics and IVF. The only ones who criticize this are those who believe that life starts at contraception. I believe that this is okay to do since it promotes bettering ones life, but this is where the line should be drawn. Another technique that is often used along with this is gender selection. The only reason I believe that it is morally correct to choose a baby’s gender is preventing disease. For example, if all the women in the family die from breast cancer, or cervical cancer by the age of 40, then it is morally acceptable to want to increase the chances of having a male child. If the only reason one wants to have a certain gendered child is for convenience then it is unacceptable. Also along these lines comes having a child to better another child’s life. Like in the book, My Sisters Keeper, the older sister was dying from a rare cancer, and the parents only choice to keep her alive was to have another child to use as â€Å"spare parts†. I believe that this is done with good intention, but it is not ethical. An article, Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options, discusses one child being sick and his brother gave him his red blood cells before he was even born, and the sick brother was cured. They questioned this process: â€Å"Is this the beginning of a slippery slope toward â€Å"designer†or â€Å"spare parts†babies, or is the result that there are now two happy, healthy children instead of one very sick child a justification to pursue and continue procedures such as this one? †. This is the exact question I would expect anyone to ask. Although there are miracles, and high percentage rates that if a child would receive particular â€Å"parts†from a sibling then they can be cured, but there are mistakes and the unfortunate occasions where it does not work. This puts the healthy child at risk and causes them to go through unnecessary pain. I believe that the risks may outweigh the benefits in many cases. The child conceived or â€Å"designed†to better the other child’s life is just as much human as the sick `child, therefore, it is their human right that they shall be treated just as any other human being. The other ethical position would likely believe that it is the parents choice to do as they please, in means, to their children. The article The art of medicine: Designer Babies: choosing our children’s genes, discusses the absurdity of the parents to not want the best for their children. This is shown in the following statement from the article: â€Å" †¦. That is exactly what parents are supposed to do. To get our children to be healthy, well mannered, intellectually curious, and well behaved, we control what they eat, have them vaccinated, teach them manners, read to them, and discipline them when they misbehave. It would be absurd for a parent to say, â€Å"I never attempt to influence my children’s development. I just love them for who they are. †Thus, it is not influencing our children’s traits that is objectionable, but rather the means to accomplish this, that is, choosing their genes. †. This statement is true, in fact, its absolutely correct for one to think in this manner. But it is the lengths that parents go to ensure that their child will be perfect that is unethical. Although parents should shape their child’s live to be well behaved, healthy, and curious, it is up to the children to decide who they would like to be, and not be predisposed to be something in particular. The topic is so controversial, the same article that believes it is ethical to genetically design babies, The art of medicine: Designer Babies: choosing our children’s genes stated that: â€Å"A more serious objection stems from the idea that people who want to choose, in advance, the traits their child will have, and are willing to spend so much money to get a child with certain traits, demonstrate a kind of desire for perfectionism that seems incompatible with being a good parent. An insistence on having a child of a certain sort, whether a musician or an athlete or a politician, amounts to parental tyranny. †. This is also true, the idea that a parent would spend significant amounts of money to sustain perfection is ridiculous. Parents have the right to want their children to be almost â€Å"perfect†but it is their job to teach them the right way to live. By spending all of their money to ensure perfection, they are almost cheating at being a parent. Another objection to â€Å"designer babies†would be genetically designing perfect children can create a social gap in society. The art of medicine: Designer Babies: choosing our children’s genes stated that: â€Å"†¦this would exacerbate social differences and the gap between rich and poor. I seriously doubt that genetic interventions would have more of an influence than existing causes of inequality, such as rotten neighborhoods and lousy schools. In any event, prebirth genetic enhancement could be used to combat social inequality, by giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds a leg up. †. How would you tell a child the reason they aren’t as smart or as attractive as some of the other children is that they don’t have special enough blood or genes? There is already enough separation in our society. Not only rich and poor, but jocks, musicians, geeks, race, sexuality and many other groups also exist in schools. How would one like to hear of one of the new cliches in school, the â€Å"enhanced children†? I can’t imagine how it would feel to be one of the children whose parents couldn’t afford to have them â€Å"custom made†. Eventually weak and poor individuals would be terminated using this new technology. Weak children would all eventually be used as spare parts to the sick children that have been genetically designed. Parents would have children just to benefit an already existing child, and once the child was cured, the spare parts child would not have any use. Parenting would also be a thing of the past. Parents wouldn’t have to worry about teaching their children the correct ways to function in society, their children would already be predisposed to be perfect and act the correct ways. Instead of moving forward in society and technology, technically we are reverting back to the days of Hitler. Hitler terminated all the individuals that he believed were lesser human beings. The act of Hitler terminating Jewish descent individuals and the act of genetically designing babies is all in the search for perfection -the perfect human being.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A Combination of Liberal Arts and Christianity Essay
Two ways of thought and life are combined to make one learning environment. Liberal arts and Christianity seem like two separate concepts to most, but together they create a harmonious setting for an individual to grow in a multitude of ways. A Liberal Arts College creates a life long thinker that becomes adaptable to society using their knowledge to make decisions. In Holmes pg 35 he says, â€Å" Liberal education is an open invitation to join the human race and become more fully human. Its goals are to read and write and thereby think independently, and appreciation of lasting values coupled with the ability to make sound value judgements and live by them, a critical appreciation of the past and responsible creative participation in the future.†We are educated from kindergarden to 12th grade to learn the fundamentals of all subjects with hopes to impact the society as an educated citizen. This hope is continued if we choose to further our education in college with a specifi c emphasis on a major. Like many students with a major, Christians are faithful students that use the Bible to guide their daily lives, but to the rest of the world they can be viewed as sheltered and limited to their beliefs. This causes a hindering on effectiveness that Christian have in the community and a misunderstanding of the validity of their thoughts. in Holmes pg 6 he supports this thought by saying,†Unless we understand the thought and value-patterns of our day, as well as those of biblical revelation and the Christian community, and unless we speak fluently the language of our contemporaries, we tragically limit our effectiveness.â€Å" With a Christian College education is heightened by integrating literarary works, theories, and concepts to Christian commitment, moral, and faith making a collaboration of endless possibilities. This creates a well rounded opportunity for students to learn at a college with the strengths of both liberal arts and Christianity called a Christian College. We are not limited to any one way of thinking. As people we want to explore and question the how, what, where, and why’s of the world. The Christian College does not limit the ability of self perception or thought, but encourages the process. Using liberal arts to educate the Christian learner and further their insight in the world is a primary purpose of a Christian College. As stated in Holmes pg 8 â€Å"†¦integration of faith and learning remains the distinctive task of the Christion liberal arts college.†The worldview of Christianity should not be limited to ones home, but incooperated throughout a persons education to further equipt them for a future that will continue to challenge and question their abilities. In support of this thought, On page 36 Holmes writes on the ever lasting benefits of education,†If the person, including what she becomes in this life, has an eternal destiny, then what I become in the process of education lives on forever†¦ Christian liberal arts education has an eternity in view.†For most, being a student is only a fragment of a lifetime. That is why the importance of receiving a well rounded education that a Christian College has to offer is essential to establish a foundation of education to apply to the remaining years of our lives. Learning with a purpose to become a reflective being, and value being, and a responsible agent will prepare an individual to step into the world and make educated, reasonable, and moral decisions. A reflective beings have a passion to learn, ask, and wonder which leads us to analyze and come up with our own thoughts of possibilities. Reflectiveness sometimes leads us to have a birds eye view of a thought as a whole as opposed to thinking in a narrow, closed minded way. Causing us to become more critical thinkers and nurture our natural inquisitions. Holmes states, â€Å" â€Å"To teach a person to read and write is to teach him to think for himself, to develop more fully the possession of his God-given powers. He becomes in fact, not just in possibility, a reflective, thinking being.†Next, as value being takes a worldview of everything important to them and acts on those thoughts and feelings for direction. In a Chirstian College we see those values as what God has created in the the reflection of Him, us. Actions we take have effects and the choices of those actions can not be learned by reading a book, but the foundations of values can guide a person towards a better outcome. Last, there is the need to be a responsible agent. As Christians we are accountable for our actions and are governed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Decisions of right and wrong are presented daily, but as a Christian going to a Christian College we are taught the principles of reasoning through education and guided with the righteous path God has called us to live. The world is filled with possibilities and opportunity, but it is the people we become with the help of a Christian College, that steers us on the road to a life of reflection, value, and responsibility. A Christian College provides a basis in creating a holistic person by incooperating faith with a liberal arts education. To see life as one picture rather than a million tiny pieces in a puzzle can create a smoother transition from college to the real world. Often students face the delema of just figuring it out. There is no how to manual or direction guide of life. As Christians we look to the bible for answers and get the general idea of what should be done with digging into our faith, but the is an element of critical thinking that must be applied. That kind of thinking is learned though a Christian College. â€Å" If a person, including what she becomes in life, has an eternal destiny, then what I become in the process of education lives forever†¦Christian liberal arts education has an eternity in view.†(Holmes 36) No one person or book can teach us the do and don’ts in life, but a well round education can prepare us for a life of constant decisions and obst acle to overcome.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Impact Of Globalization On The Corporate World
Introduction and summary of articles The current economic environment in the corporate world characterized by competition is making many organizations try their best to outweigh their rivals. The main causes of the heightened competition is the globalization. The globalization has eased the transfer and movement of goods from every corner of the world to the other hence competing in the domestic market. Many companies and nations have responded to increasing pressure from competition using different strategies. Similarly, the effects of competition are not only felt by the competing industries but nations too. Globalization has led to the opening of borders to facilitate trade, hence those countries or companies that are equipped manage to realize the benefits compared to others. Some of the strategies that nations have adopted to neutralize the competition arising from globalization and free movement of goods include creating barriers to entry, strategic entry deterrence and mergers, and acquisition. The rest of the paper will outline how the three factors influence industrial organizations and as well as their impacts. This will be done by discussing three newspaper articles on the same subject. In an article by Gelles (March 12, 2015) that appeared in the New York Times titled, Uncertainty weighs on Endo’s higher bid for Salix Pharmaceuticals â€Å"confirms the competitiveness of acquisition. The article talks about the competition existing between Endo International andShow MoreRelatedThe Combined Effects of the Internet and Globalization751 Words  | 3 Pages1. The impact of globalization and the internet presents real challenges for corporate strategic planners across the world. What is the impact of globalization and the internet on the corporate world? 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